Atelier & Factory
Bags made with sincerity "Made in GG leather"
Meticulously made bags that can not be done in mass production factories
To maintain the commitment and pride of "Made in China", and further more "Made in GG leather", each artisan has a responsibility to complete their own tasks that include daily cleaning, maintenance of sewing machines, total inspection of tools at the beginning and end of daily operations. Also, to hone their high-level professional skills like checking the sounds of the sewing machines by ear to prevent yarn breakage and adjusting sewing by feeling the vibration of the sewing machine and more. Thus, our artisans make painstaking efforts to create bags by hand with thorough quality management in every process.
Even with one seam of the sewing machine, there are a number of points to be concerned about. Such as the balance between needle holes and thread and the beauty of the thread itself. Our artisans realize this quickly and efficiently.
This is where the sensibility and technique of "real craftsmanship" emerges.
GG leather CO., LTD.
, GG leather City, China 婦人かばん工場